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Branches of Biology

As we mentioned that biology is broad based multidisciplinary  branch of science that itself has so much about hundred of branches. There are some popular branches as follows :

 Branches of Biology

                Branch      -            Concerned with  (Study of)

  1. ·         Agrastology- Study of grasses
  2. ·         Agronomy- Management of farms and science of production of crops.
  3. ·         Anatomy -  Study of  Internal organs.
  4. ·         Apiculture - The rearing of bees, beekeeping for commercial purposes.
  5. ·         Algalogy/Phycology -Study of algae.
  6. ·         Anthropology - Study related to origin, development and culture of present and past races of humans.
  7. ·         Arboriculture - Cultivation of trees and shrubs.
  8. ·         Arthrology- Study of joints.
  9. ·         Auanology - Study ofgrowth
  10. ·         Bacteriology -Study of bacteria.
  11. ·         Biochemistry - Science connected with chemistry (composition, chemical nature, mode of formation, functioning) of living matter.
  12. ·         Bioenergetics -Flow of energy and energy transformations
  13. ·         Biomedical Engineering - Production of spare parts for man implants, artificial limbs, heart  and lung machines etc.
  14. ·         Bonsai- The art and hobby of growing dwarf forms of trees and shrubs in pots.
  15. ·         Botany - Study of plants.
  16. ·         Breeding - To produce improved varieties by selective mating.
  17. ·         Bryology - Study of bryophytes.
  18. ·         Cardiology - Study of heart
  19. ·         Chirology/Cheirology - Communication system for deal and mute by sign language.
  20. ·         Chondrology- Study of cartilages
  21. ·         Cnidology - Study of coelenterates
  22. ·         Craniology - Study of skulls.
  23. ·         Cryobiology- study of effect of freezing  on living organism.
  24. ·         Cytology-  Detailed study of cells.
  25. ·         Demography- Study of populations.
  26. ·         Dentistry - Care of teeth including cure, removal, filling and replacement.
  27. ·         Dermatology- Study of skin and other body coverings.
  28. ·         Desmology - Anatomy/study of ligaments.
  29. ·         Ecology- Study of environment and its surrounding.
  30. ·         Economic Botany- Study of plants with respect to the economic importance.
  31. ·         Economic Zoology- Study of animals with respect to their economic importance.
  32. ·         Embryology- Study of germinations  in plants.
  33. ·         Endocrinology- Study of endocrine glands, hormones and their effects.
  34. ·         Entomology- A branch of zoology deals that with the structure, habits and classification of insects.
  35. ·         Enzymology- Study of enzymes and their functions.
  36. ·         Epidemiology- Study of distributions, causes and control measures of infectious diseases.
  37. ·         Ethology- Study of animal behaviour.
  38. ·         Fishery- The occupation or industry of catching fish or other products of the sea,lakes or rivers.
  39. ·         Floriculture- Cultivation of plants for their flowers.
  40. ·         Food technology - Processing and preservation of foods.
  41. ·         Forestry - The science of developing and conserving forests.
  42. ·         Gastroenterology- Study of alimentary canal or stomach, intestine and their diseases.
  43. ·         Genetics- study of heredity and variations.
  44. ·         Geology -Science of earth.
  45. ·         Gerontology- Study of ageing and senescence.
  46. ·         Gerontotherapy- Treatment of disease in the aged.
  47. ·         Gynaecology - Study of female reproductive organs.
  48. ·         Haematology- Study of blood.
  49. ·         Helminthology- Study of parasitic worms.
  50. ·         Hepatology- Study of liver.
  51. ·         Herpetology- Study of reptiles and amphibians/creeping animals.
  52. ·         Histology-Study of cells and tissues with microscopes.
  53. ·         Hypnotherapy- Treatment through hypnotism.
  54. ·         Ichthyology- Study of fishes.
  55. ·         Immunology- Study of immunity or resistance to disease.
  56. ·         Kinesiology- Science dealing with inter-relationship of anatomy and physiology with respect to movements.
  57. ·         Laryngology- Study of larynx.
  58. ·         Leprology- Study of leprosy and its cure.
  59. ·         Lichenology- Study of lichens.
  60. ·         Limnology-Study of freshwater forms.
  61. ·         Malariology- Study of various aspects of malaria and its cure.
  62. ·         Mammology- Study of mammals.
  63. ·         Mastology -Study of breasts including teats.
  64. ·         Medicine - The science of treating diseases with drugs or curative substances.
  65. ·         Melanology- Study of development and loss of body pigments.
  66. ·         Microbiology - The science dealing with the structure, function, uses of microscopic organisms.
  67. ·         Monerology - Study of monera.
  68. ·         Mycology- Study of fungi.
  69. ·         Myology (Sarcology) - Study of muscles,
  70. ·         Neurology- Study of nervous system.
  71. ·         Odontology- Study of teeth and gums..
  72. ·         Oncology- Study of cancers and tumours
  73. ·         Ophthalmology- Study of eyes.
  74. ·         Ornithology- Study of birds.
  75. ·         Orthopaedics- Diagnosis and repair of disorders of locomotory system (bones, joints, etc).
  76. ·         Osteology- Study of bones
  77. ·         Paediatrics- Branch of medicine dealing with children.
  78. ·         Parasitology- Study of parasites.
  79. ·         Pathology- The science dealing with the nature of diseases, their causes, symptoms and effect.
  80. ·         Phylogeny- Evolutionary history.
  81. ·         Physiology- Study of various vital activities of plants and animals.
  82. ·         Physiotheraphy- Treatment of body defects through massage and exercise.
  83. ·         Phytochemistry- Study of chemistry of plants.
  84. ·         Poultry Science - Science dealing with domestic fowls, such as chickens, ducks and geese.
  85. ·         Protistology- Study of protists.
  86. ·         Radiology- Science dealing with X-rays and other imaging techniques for medical diagnosis.
  87. ·         Rhinology- Study of nose and olfactory organs.
  88. ·         Rhinoplasty- External alteration of nose through surgery.
  89. ·         Sericulture - The breeding and treatment of silkworms for producing raw silk.
  90. ·         Serology- Study of serum; interaction of antigens and antibodies in the blood.
  91. ·         Serpentology/ Ophiology -Study of snakes.
  92. ·         Soil Science -Study of soil and its conservation.
  93. ·         Sonography- Ultrasound imaging.
  94. ·         Sonology-  Study of hearing.
  95. ·         Taxanomy- Study of classifications and  systematic.
  96. ·         Toxicology - Study of harmful effects of drugs and other substances.
  97. ·         Tricology- Study of hairs.
  98. ·         Urology- Science dealing with structure, functions and disorders of urinary tract (urinogenital tract in males).
  99. ·         Veterinary medicine- Science dealing with the diseases of domesticated animals and their health care.
  100. ·         Virology- Study of viruses.
  101. ·         Zoogeny - Origin and development of animals.
  102. ·         Zoogeography- Study of geographical distribution of animals.
  103. ·         Zoology-Study of animals.
  104. ·         Zoopathology  - Study of animal diseases.

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